10 Signs She Is Wasting Your Time

You’re dating a girl and you’m not sure where it’s going?

And in fact, you start to think that maybe she’s wasting your time. Well, here are ten signs that she’s wasting your time and it’s time to get going.

In this post you will learn the following:

  • How to accurately interpret the signs she sends you
  • Tips to understand if she is interested in you more romantically or in a friendlier way
  • Ways to grow communication and find essential clues that it is using you

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Also Read: How to Send Text Messages to Women to Answer (Guide)

number one

Number one, she does not send a message in a reasonable time.

But everyone is busy and you will not necessarily get a text message back right away. This is not a bad sign because someone did not send you a text message back in 0.5 seconds.

But, if it takes her a day, two days, three, four, five days to get back to you, it’s a really bad sign that she’s not really connecting with you. Even for busy people, it is quite easy to send a quick text message even when you are busy, on a break, every time.


So if she’s taking an unreasonable amount of time, then this is a really good sign that you should stop texting her and move on to someone else.

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number two

Number two, she only meets you when she needs to make arrangements.

So she needs to assemble her IKEA furniture, she wants a ride somewhere, she needs help with some electronic thing or something.

It can be anything – a mechanical thing. But if she wants to hang out with you only when she needs to do something, it’s actually used. And that’s a bad and bad sign that she does not really love you, she just loves what you can do for her.

Now, on the other hand, if she calls you at midnight because she needs to do something else, it’s not terrible. So you might want to stay around for that. But other than that, do not stay around to be used by anyone.

Number three

Number three, she avoids being alone together.

This is a terrible sign. If someone does not want to be with you alone, he also will not want to go out with you. Or they are not going to be intimate or do anything else.

Number four

And number four is basically like number three.

She always brings her friends whenever you hang out. So this is another way to avoid being alone together. And it’s even worse when she’s not even telling you she’s going to bring her friends.

You expect her to go on a date, have something fun together, get to know her, maybe be intimate, and she brings the whole team together.

Now, one situation I experienced before we were alone together, however, is a kind of variation of this whole thing: she would not be sitting close to me.

So I was in her apartment because I was there to do something for her because that’s what she called me. And I was sitting on the couch and she was sitting at her dining table, and she did not come to sit next to me. And I started assembling the picture slowly, unfortunately, while nothing was going to happen between us.

Number five

Number five, she calls you a really good friend.

Do you really want to be her friend really when you try to date her? Well, the answer, obviously not. And the reason she calls you her best friend is because she also avoids any kind of intimacy.

Of the kind that leads to a relationship. And she explicitly says that you are a really good friend, which means she does not have the romantic feelings towards you of the kind you have towards her.

Number six

Number six is ​​also a kind of variation of the latter.

She says one day you will be a really good guy for someone. Obviously someone it is not her. And that’s what she’s saying. You will be really great for someone else one day.

Number seven

And number seven, she’s telling you about the other guys she’s dating.

It’s almost like a knife in the heart. When she talks to these other guys she’s going out, maybe she’s even going into more intimate details. Although most of the time, she’s going to tell you every problem she has.

And at this point, you’re just her gay boyfriend she trusts. If she’s telling you about the other guy she’s dating, do not expect to be the hero and jump in and save her from all the problems she has with these other guys.

In fact, it might be a good sign for all the drama she has with other guys? Which is a good sign that she’s not for you unless you want drama in your life.

Number eight

Number eight, it peels often.

So you’re making plans and at the last minute she’s constantly canceling out on you. And that’s basically indicating that you’m kind of a B. plan. When better plans come up, she will go for the better plans and leave you in the background. And it also exhibits unreliability.

This is something you definitely do not want in a relationship partner. You do not want someone who is unreliable, but who knows?

Maybe she will be credible for someone else. But the fact is that if she’s peeling off on you, it does not show much interest that she really wants to be with you.

right. You are Plan B, you do not have to be Plan B for anyone. You’re better than that.

Also Read: How to Send Text Messages to Women (6 Deadly Sins to Avoid)

Number nine

Number nine, she has a charger.

Now, with a charge, that does not necessarily mean she has no interest in you.

However, do you really want to be with someone who has all this baggage? Very often they will tell you about all these dramas and stories, their lives, and all these bad things that are happening.

And guys get into this situation where they want to be the hero and get in here and save her. Well, you’re not going to save her, but you’ll put a whole bunch of stress into your life.

So, instead of getting into stress with this new girl, find someone else who does not bring baggage and stress into your life, so that you can have a good relationship.

Number ten

And number ten, really biggie, she’s not going to sleep with you.

If someone is not sleeping with you, it’s a big sign that he’s wasting your time. Maybe she has some special rules and she will not sleep with anyone or every few months or dates.

But chances are it will collapse before you get to this point, or she will find someone else who is more assertive and made things happen.

If she does not sleep with you, she does not turn on you, or she is too strict and very what she has something is happening, maybe problems in the past, and it is not something you want to bring into your life.

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Number eleven

And a bonus, number eleven, every time you go out with her, you’re the one who pays for everything.

Now, I understand that there are expectations, so much so for equality, right? When it comes to money. But if she’s not reciprocating, if she’s not participating sometimes, it’s not the kind of people you want to be with.

Or if it’s someone going out with you as a lunch ticket, and I would never stay with someone who used me for my money, used me as a meal ticket or anything else.

You do not want to be this guy. You want to find a partner for a real relationship, who will contribute.

Because if this is the way she treats you at the dating stage, it also will not improve much during the relationship. She will not suddenly become really generous.

In conclusion, here are some steps to take to ensure it does not waste your time:

  1. Do not wait 3+ days for an answer
  2. Pay attention to the reasons she has with you in the environment (arrangements, etc.)
  3. Make sure you have time alone together, away from friends
  4. See how she treats you (boyfriend, date or other)
  5. Listen to her mention of other men
  6. Keep her accountable
  7. Avoid baggage and drama
  8. Avoid women who do not want intimacy
  9. Do not pay for everything

And that’s all for today. If there’s anything I missed, any other sign that she’s wasting your time, leave it in the comments below.

And until next time, conquer and win.


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