5 Tips that Create an Amazing Online Dating Profile

Let’s be honest, the online dating process can feel like a second job. Here’s the good news, with a strong online dating profile, you can make your dating profile work for you as a filter and remove unwanted dates.

With a little effort and more intentionality, creating an amazing profile that captures your personality and catches the eye of potential dates will be easy! With these tips, you’ll soon be out in style and ready to take on the online dating world with confidence.

Your profile pictures are important

Choosing a profile picture can sometimes feel confusing and awkward. Especially if you rarely take pictures of yourself. However, online dating is like target marketing, and your image is your primary advertisement. Your photos should tell a story about yourself: you want it to represent your personality, showcase your style, and let’s be real, make yourself look good.

It’s like trying to condense your entire identity into one picture. With a little wit and creativity, you can have a profile picture that truly captures who you are. You want to show at least 5 photos.

1 headshot, 3 candid lifestyle shots and 1 full body shot. Whether it’s a candid shot of you laughing or a perfectly posed body shot, choose photos that tell a story about your lifestyle. Maybe wear a shirt with your favorite sports team or a picture of you kayaking. The key is to give the reader a glimpse of what makes you feel confident and radiates your unique charm. So go ahead, show the world what you’re made of, one click at a time.

If you want more help choosing your photos, watch this video where I share five secrets to making your dating profile picture stand out.

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Profile bio: No more or less than 250 words

Some online dating algorithms match people based on the keywords in their profile, so when you leave your profile blank you’re missing out on valuable real estate.

It’s important to put effort into filling out your dating profile bio. However, no one wants to read a boring profile description. And yet, time and time again, we see the same generic descriptors being used. “Fun-loving”, “adventurous” and “easy” – yawn.

Why not spice it up a bit? Add some humor and wit. Describe yourself as a “professional Netflix binge-watcher” or a “world-class waffle chef.” Use your profile description as an opportunity to showcase your personality, your humor and stand out from the crowd.

After all, the goal is to engage others and make them want to get to know you better. So let your creativity run wild and leave the generic descriptions behind. Your future connections will thank you.

Describe the qualities you look for in a potential date

Most people write about themselves throughout the profile, but they miss one key element.. They don’t write about what they are looking for in a partner.

As someone who often visits profiles, I understand the importance of leaving a lasting impression online.

It’s easy to get caught up in talking about yourself, and forget the essential component of what we’re really looking for in a partner. It’s no surprise that sharing hobbies and interests is essential to building common ground, but what about defining our core values ​​and the personality traits we look for in others?

When we write about what we’re looking for, we open up the possibility of sharing our deepest aspirations with someone who might share the same ideas.

So the next time you create or update your profile, remember to go beyond just talking about yourself, and take the time to express what you hope to find in a partner.

Be positive on your profile

When I ask singles what they are looking for, many start listing things they don’t want in a partner. And they tend to convey the same in their dating profile.

It’s easy to fall into the trap of listing all the qualities we don’t want in a partner. We might think it will filter out the bad apples, but in reality, it can really backfire. When we come off as negative or bitter, we attract the very people we are trying to avoid.

That’s why it’s important to focus on what you do want. Think about what qualities bring you joy, what makes you laugh, and what values ​​appeal to you. By focusing on the positive, you can increase your chances of finding the partner you really want. The key is to be positive, focus on what you want and not what you don’t want.

Share stories that show your spirit

Life is too short to live in a bubble; That’s what I always say. You have to take risks, embrace the unknown, and just go for it. I remember I once traveled in Vietnam. The first time I did something like that, well, I ended up meeting a group of Australian women who invited me to come with them to a beach party.

Well, who knew we’d stay in touch? Ten years later, I would connect with them again when I visited Australia. Now I was married, they had children, a new life, and we spent and laughed like before.

And let me tell you, reconnecting was an unforgettable experience. So don’t forget to tell an interesting story that has impacted your life in a good way in your dating profile. Such stories show your personality, character and adventurous spirit.

Allowing yourself to be seen and understood through your online profile is essential to making connections. When you’re creating your own, remember it’s not just about the images or the words you choose.

It’s also about expressing a version of yourself that says “I’m open to connection”! With some smart elements, like a great profile picture and witty comments, you’re sure to make an impression.

So be creative, have some fun and fill your dating profile with unique views on life. Some people are looking for someone just like you – so show them who you are! And if you don’t want to do it alone, I’m here for you. Look at my … Dating Profile Makeover Session Here.


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