6 Tips for Summer Online Dating

With Memorial Day right around the corner, dating apps and sites will be especially busy. Why? Scientific studies have found that people are happier and more active in the summer months. Maybe we give vitamin D a round of applause?

So here are my recommendations to make your summer date skyrocket:

1. lose the beard

I feel like I’m walking on thin ice with this one. It’s hot outside—let your face breathe. Also, guys, this is one of the top things women tell me as a dating coach: Please, no men with facial hair. Why? Sometimes it just looks sloppy and we might want to kiss you!

2. Take a self defense class

Okay, guys, if you’re mad at me for #1, there you go. Everyone should know self defense and guess what? The classes are full of women (kind of like yoga!).

3. Update your photo and bio

Get rid of that main photo sitting on Bumble or Match forever. And that profile you have for months/years? Adios! My client Melissa and I were looking for a potential date for her yesterday on Hinge and the man said he couldn’t wait for the quarantine to end. Okay, where was he? Does he ever check this site he pays for?

4. Meet quickly or stop messaging

During a coaching call yesterday with a client, there was a series of messages originating from March that were basically talking about the weather. OMG. Remember the Stanford study I’m talking about? This means from the moment of your first message to your first date, no more than 5 days should have passed. Or, statistically there is zero chance of the in-person date ever happening.

5. Refresh your wardrobe

It doesn’t mean breaking the bank. A little retail therapy goes a long way and will boost your confidence. And while you’re at it, have a friend take a picture of you in that cute new summer dress—and post it!

6. Bonus tip: have a strategy.

Have a strategy when you play golf. tennis. Working. So you’ve been on Bumble for two years. Ok, time to say goodbye and try a new site. And yes, you need to work on the site. No, not full time. How about a simple goal of 20 minutes 3-4 times a week — and not just looking. Set a goal. I have to send a message to 5 men/women. (Yes, ladies, men love it when you reach out first). Jumping on the internet and searching you get you… nothing. Write a message that is less than 4 sentences, unique, quirky and fun!

When they respond (and you like the response), invite them for a Friday drink or a Saturday coffee. Be specific. Not “let’s get together sometime”. It’s not too forward; We are all online to meet a great person so go for it!

need help? You can always schedule the free 15 minute call with me. This is what I do and what I love.

happy dating,


Andrea and Luna (Oh, if I hadn’t met my boyfriend online, I’m sure I would have met him walking in Luna by the beach—!!!)

Founder, It’s Just Lunch (sold) and https://www.33000dates.com

Dating consultant/dating coach


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