Dating Women Radio Show Friday Freebie: 6/30/2023 | Doc Love

Weeks with us start on Sunday, so for the week of Sunday, 6/25/2023, what have we produced for you – and what’s ahead?

Check out Doc’s article on Avoid online dating scams

You need the system/dating dictionary to really win with women! Get it here for 10% off (Instant downloads of both the written version and the audio version!)

ARTICLE (latest version, 6/29/2023)
* Should he leave the past in the past? He has concerns about her background – is he making noise? Doc weighs so much…Get the article here

Video (last edition, 18/6/2023 – next edition, 16/7/2023 – see below)
*How to initiate a kiss on a date – there is a right/wrong way and a right/wrong place…so…Get the video here if you haven’t seen it yet And don’t forget
We now have YOUTUBE SHORTS On the channel!

Note: The next video is posted on 7/16/2023 and Doc reveals how to increase your confidence on a date – look for it at 1:00pm EST on 7/16/2023!


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