Discover What’s Holding You Back from Finding Love  » Luvidya

Do you consider yourself a good catch? Still don’t know what’s holding you back from finding love? Is single status just not fun anymore? I’ve created a list of the three most common reasons why you haven’t found your life partner yet.

Your checklist

You’ve been looking for too long and maybe it’s not working. I assure you that for many people who want to date you, you have become unattainable and unattainable. I asked one of my clients what she looks for in a man… twenty minutes later and 5 miles after pictures of an ideal man, she said “just the basics”. While to you it may be basic, to others you have high standards. At that time my client needed a reality check with what was possible because her list was out of control.

While it’s nice to have a wish list, it’s also important to tune into the relationship with your date. Stay present and focus on the person next to you. Feel their energy, their smile and create laughter. Make them feel like they want to get to know you on a deeper level and aren’t just points off your checklist. Focus on what connection you are making and how much fun you are having with the person in front of you.

your energy

Have you gone on a few dates and still haven’t found the right partner? It’s time to stop and look at your energy. Is it possible that you might feel frustrated or burned out from dating and that you bring that energy with you? Often our clients will say “I get frustrated with dating and I don’t bring negative energy when I meet someone.”
One of my clients went on several dates with amazing men and yet each time I got a long email about what was wrong with him. On top of it all, she was not open to hearing feedback from dates collected from her acquaintance, stating that she was “very intense.” Being aware of your power and energy is very valuable. It’s not always someone else’s fault. Something has to change and it’s not the world around you.

Your vulnerability

You are afraid to be vulnerable and take risks. Many people pass through your life but you still can’t connect with any of them. Being vulnerable with another person is scary and you can instinctively push everyone away. You look back and realize that a lot of great people are in your friend zone and there were opportunities for you to be in love but you never took them. Vulnerability is not easy because it means you will have to face the possibility of being hurt again. However, it is time to gather the strength and courage again and hope to find love. Take small steps but be consistent and you will reach something bigger.

If it was hard to read, it means there was a truth you needed to hear today. I hope you found your answers to your question about what is holding you back from love. I hope you find courage to make changes and find love.



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