How to find a partner who wants to be in a relationship – Luvidya

Many of us yearn for a relationship, but finding a partner can be a difficult task. As a matchmaker and dating coach, I am often asked the question: “How and where do I find someone who wants a relationship?”. Interestingly enough, this query came up from both men and women. So let’s delve deeper into the topic of how to find a partner who is really ready for a meaningful relationship.

open minded

Do you believe there are no people looking for a meaningful relationship? Well, setting low expectations usually leads to low results. But let’s stop this negativity in its tracks! You may feel like all the good ones are taken – but in reality, there are a lot of amazing people out there waiting to be discovered. With an open mind and a different perspective, you will soon find the one you are looking for. Don’t underestimate the power of a positive attitude when it comes to dating. There are many wonderful people around you eager to connect, so keep an open mind and be prepared for all possibilities. With a little effort and introspection, you will find the relationship you long for.

comfort zone

When was the last time you stepped out of your comfort zone and took a risk in life? When was the last time you started a conversation with someone new, or made a stranger smile? It’s understandable to feel like your efforts are getting you nowhere, especially in the dating world. But don’t lose hope – there are many ways to be more proactive and increase your chances of finding a partner. Take a look at your current dating practices, are you relying too much on online resources? Shake things up and explore other options, such as attending events or joining clubs that match your interests. Don’t be afraid to get out there and make yourself more visible – the right person could be just around the corner!

Say yes!

Do you take advantage of opportunities when they come your way? This is the time to say “yes” to new invitations, even if you feel tired or unsure. You never know when you’ll cross paths with someone fascinating. When we expand our horizons and step outside our comfort zones, we are able to live life to the fullest. The benefits that come with meeting new challenges can be incredibly gratifying. By embracing these challenges, you have the opportunity to grow and learn something new while making connections with people you might not have met otherwise. So why wait? Start saying “yes” to fresh opportunities at every turn.

Discuss expectations

You have found an interesting partner and the connection is not in doubt after a few dates. But don’t wait too long to discuss your expectations and aspirations! It’s essential to make sure you’re both on the same page, and that your relationship needs and wants are aligned. Trust me, you don’t want to waste months or maybe years only to find out that your special someone wasn’t on board with the same vision for your relationship. Although it may be a bit challenging, this conversation is a must if you hope to find a partner who shares your love of relationships.

If you’re looking for additional guidance and support during your dating journey, I’m here for you! Contact me and let’s get started.



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