How to get your ex boyfriend back fast

How To Get Your Ex-Boyfriend Back Fast

The boyfriend dumped you? Although you are not guaranteed to be able to recover it, you can take the right actions to minimize any damage that has already been done and set yourself up for success.

Even if you begged, begged and cried when he finished it, you can still fix it! But first, here are some things you need to do to get your ex boyfriend back quickly.

Do nothing

Yeah I know that’s probably not what you want to hear. You want to do something, everything to bring it back again.

No matter what is done or what is said, or who is separated from whom. Do not make reckless decisions or do anything you will regret.

You may want to develop his car, contact his parents to tell them what box office he is in or show up at his place to convince him to take you back, but please do not.

If you need to get a friend to take your phone away from you for a while so you do not send him a message, then do so.

You actually have the power

Since he dumped you, you probably feel he is in control and you are the helpless loser in this situation. But in fact, now that it’s over, he does not have you anymore.

At first he had the power while he made the projection. But now that part is over. In the first few days he will feel free and maybe excited to be single again, but that will soon dissipate.

After a while he will begin to realize that there is a void in his life.

are you Now there is the power, because if he tries to come back, are you They are the ones who will decide if you will really take him back. Remember this!

Remember that people want what they can not get

This is basic human psychology: people want what they cannot get. Your boyfriend knows what it’s like to be with you, so now you need to let him experience what it’s like not to be with you anymore. My guess? Once he has a few days, weeks or months of bachelorhood, he may realize that living a bachelorhood life is not all that it should be.

Once you no longer have you, he will begin to wonder what you are plotting and what you are doing. He will start to miss you and even wonder if you are meeting someone else. If you are living your best life and he is not sure if you even want him anymore, it will make him want to chase after you again.

Apply the non-contact rule immediately

The non-contact rule is super simple – you do not make contact with it. I’m calling you and sending you messages, he will not have a chance to miss you. So now you go to MIA and hang up.

In doing so you are acting with dignity, maturity and acceptance. You indicate that you accept that it is over.

He will probably expect you to blow up his phone, but you will do the opposite. He will soon be surprised that you do not send him a message!

This time minimizes any further damage and gives him a chance to understand the seriousness of his decision. It also gives you time to heal, move on and feel good about yourself.

The non-engagement law should be done for at least 3 weeks but in my opinion, you should do it indefinitely until it will contact you.

You must be thinking… “But what if he does not contact me?” 9 times out of 10 the guy does it. It may only take days or it may take weeks (men tend to take a lot longer to process things) but it will most likely contact you, even if it’s just to see how you are.

Without begging or persuading

Under no circumstances does begging and persuasion work. Do you really want to be with someone you felt was with you? You want them to do that wants to Being with you, which means you need to create a place for them to miss you and rekindle their desire for you. So forget the water plant or the texts in the articles or from the knock on his door at 2 at night. Stay away and go quiet radio.

Work on you

At this point life sucks. But now is the time to dust off and become the best version of yourself. This part is for you. As Rocky said: “It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep going. How much you can take and keep going. That’s how you win!”

Forget about rom coms or sad music. Watch as many motivational videos as possible.

Focus on something to get your mind off talking. It could be designing a website for your business idea, taking game lessons or learning how to trade stocks.

I find that doing something constructive is actually the best way to overcome a breakup.

Many people get drunk and tend to celebrate, but often it makes you feel worse. Alcohol is depressing, so not only do you wake up with a headache and a brushing hangover, but you also feel even more sad about your breakup.

Trying to socialize with people before you are ready can also make you feel worse. It’s very hard to sit in a restaurant with a group of friends when you feel really, really crappy. It sucks for them and it sucks for you.

Instead, I would suggest one-on-one meetings with friends and just take the time to do nice things. Take a bath, cook a nice meal, go for a walk or start a new hobby – everything that makes you feel good about yourself.

Refresh your look and post a picture or two on social media

If you have not done your hair for a while, you will do your hair. Practice a bit, buy new clothes and maybe replace your makeup. Clean your apartment. Even if you feel rotten on the inside, you will glow on the outside and turn heads. And you know what they say … fake until you succeed!

You never know, you might attract a new guy, even better!

Since you and your ex are in a non-contact stage, the only way for him to see what you are doing is to post something on social media. Do not post millions of stories and pictures and definitely do not post your pictures outside drunk or with other guys.

Be selective. Post a picture or two of yours looks great, but only occasionally. He will see that you get along without him but he will not feel that he thinks you are advertising all the time just to get attention.

If you’re doing something fun like a trip abroad or going to a show, post it too! Let him see that you’re doing cool things you might not have done when you were together.

Silence him!

You do not have to turn off his friends on social media but you can silence him, which means you will not see his stories or posts. This is great, first of all because you will not see what he is doing which gives you a chance to try to forget about him. If you are reminded of it every day it will be harder. Second, if he checks who sees his stories he will understand that you are not watching them anymore. He gets zero attention from you at all.

Wait for him to contact you

As I mentioned earlier, I think it’s always better to wait until the guy contacts you. The reason I say this is because if he contacts you you know for sure that he thinks of you and maybe he is interested in being together again. If you make the call, it puts you in a much weaker position. You will not know if he answers just to be nice or if he really misses you. So have a quiet radio and wait for it to send a message.

Keep the conversation light and do not give too much

When he does contact you, do not bring up the things that went wrong in the relationship or anything that happened with the breakup. It’s past and you probably do not want to remind him of the reasons he broke up with you. Instead, keep things light and light. Do not post long essays and keep your comments similar in length to his. You want to reveal some information but also keep your life a bit of a mystery so you can seduce it again.

If you have jokes or shared memories, you can try to incorporate them into the conversation. The point is to keep it light, flirtatious and fun. Imagine for a second you were transposed into the karmic driven world of Earl. Make it clear that you have a busy and fulfilling life so that he can see that you do not have one need him.

If he does not contact you within a month, you can send a random text message

Like I said before I think it’s best to hold on until he contacts you, and he will. But if you have not heard from him for a month you can send a text message. You never know, maybe he wanted to contact but did not have the courage to send you a message. If he sends messages back, you want to try to gauge his interest. If his answers are super short then maybe he is not interested in chat. If he still participates in the conversation and asks questions, it may be a sign that he is happy to hear from you.

Past past…

The great thing about non-contact is that it allows him to forget about your bad habits, the things that went wrong and the drama that happened when it ended. Separations are terrible and he will not want to feel those heavy feelings again. So keep the past in mind and let things lie.

If he breaks up with you because you were a constant drama or needy or jealous, etc., you need to show him that these things will no longer be a problem.

Think of it as a whole new relationship starting from scratch.

Work until the meeting

While you are chatting you want to get a phone call, maybe FaceTime or two and then hoping for a face-to-face meeting. Take things in stride and try not focus too much on the problem. If he offers it then great, but if not then you want to casually offer a meeting without pressure. When you finally meet, take your time to prepare so you can feel the best about yourself!

Do not jump straight into bed with him

Getting him to talk to you is the easy part, the hardest part is what happens be late. Guys will come back often but that does not mean they want a relationship with you again. Some men just come back because they have not had sex for a while and they feel horny. It’s up to you to make him wait until you decide if he wants to try again. When you meet do not get drunk and jump in bed with him. Have an honest conversation about how you both feel and where things are going.

Make him work for it!

He needs to see that you are not desperate to be together again and that you are okay with or without him. The process of getting back together is a delicate time, so be available for it sometimes But not all the time. Things should be on your terms, so make him work for it!


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