How To Initiate A Kiss On A Date (6/18/2023) | Doc Love

Hi Gary,

Once you started having problems with your wife, you didn’t get “the system” overnight (or buy my instant downloads – ELECTRONIC SYSTEM or SYSTEM AUDIO). Why not? Do you realize the terrible agony you could have saved yourself? All the while, Donatella’s interest dropped from 90%…to 88%…to 85%…to 82%, etc. And like most American men do, you finally noticed it when it hit 60% or 57% or somewhere in that region. “The system” means that this woman must have loved you once. You’ve been with her for 15 years, and she’s probably loved you for eight to 10 years of that time. After that, because you took her for granted, her interest level started to drop.

And let me explain something to you. The interest rate does not drop from 100% to 49% within an hour, or overnight, even though it is the man’s perception of what is happening. No, as my cousin Rabbi Love says, “It takes time and negligence to wear out.” That’s why if you memorized my stuff, when it went from 91% to 89% you’d know you were getting into me A maintenance plan, that will secure the woman who wants to stay with you forever. But like most men in America, you knew how to get her, but you didn’t know how to keep her. This is why most women recently reported in a national survey that they would not marry the same guy again. But since you didn’t have my book, what happened to you now is expected.

You might have thought this situation would get better on its own, Gary, but when interest rates drop 60%…58%..56%…54%, it’s like a plane going down. It won’t get better on its own. As my cousin General Love says, “It just crashes and burns.” And that’s what happened with your wife. You killed her interest level with your expulsion.

So when your relationship with Donatella took another dive, why didn’t you seek out a love doctor for advice? The question to be asked was, why is this woman so turned off when for eight or 10 years she has been exposing me? Dude, a good salary and taking care of your family financially does not equate to romance for a female.

Your wife has long shown you that you are miles apart. Did she really have to express it and tell you that she doesn’t love you anymore? You’ve been with her a long time, and when she finally said it after five or six years of decline, only then did you sit up and take notice? are you blind And for you psychology students, when she tells you she doesn’t love you anymore, you’re out.

Now let me explain something else to you. When the interest rate drops consistently, it is never temporary. It’s only temporary until she leaves. And then it’s final,

You are now deadly depressed, friend. If you were to study my book all the time, it would make the pain more bearable. So the first thing you need to do now is transfer the “system” to you overnight and memorize it (or get an immediate download – SYSTEM AUDIO or ELECTRONIC SYSTEM). Because when it comes to women, you are completely clueless, even after living with this woman for so long. Gary, I know more about your wife than you do and I’ve never met the woman. And it’s very sad.

And then, as my fast cousin Eddie Love of East Los Angeles says, “You gotta suck it up.” When Donatella calls, be polite, don’t talk about your relationship, ask her how much money she needs, send her a check and ask her if there is anything else you can do for her. Maybe, in time, she’ll meet you for coffee, then maybe a dinner date, then maybe move on to bring her home. Try to talk to your children as much as possible. You’ll have to apologize for blowing up and making fun of yourself because when you did, This only reinforced your wife’s low interest rate. Because what she told herself was that she didn’t realize that her husband was so lacking in self-control!

But no matter what, you still need my book. You need to find out where you went wrong with your wife. Like I said before, you are clueless.

Whether or not Donatella found someone else is beyond your control. So don’t make the problem even worse than it is. Get “the system”, learn it like hell, and we’ll do our best to get it back.

Donatella didn’t throw anything at anything. You stopped romancing your wife and taking her for granted. You never told her she was beautiful. You didn’t treat her like a woman. If you did, she would still be there anyway.

Remember, guys: to keep your wife in love with you, you have to date her.



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