How to Use Your Dog as Your Wingman for Dating

Dating can be easier with your best friend by your side, as long as your daughter has four paws. Here at Dates & Mates, we know firsthand the impact dogs can have on your life (Like Demona and her boyfriend Ranger AKA “Beast”). Not only are they your best friend, family member, and beloved pet, dogs can often replace a significant other in your life (though maybe you need a 60/40 split when you share a bed).

So if you’re single and looking for a non-four-legged partner in crime, Here’s how to use your dog as your wingman:

Let your dog be a conversation piece – Your furry friend when you’re out and about can take the stress out of needing an impressive one-liner to start a conversation. Instead, let your dog be your wingman! If a cutie strikes up a conversation about your dog, follow it up by asking if they have any pets of their own (and if they’d like to join you for coffee sometime).

Put your dog on your profile – Animal lovers are more likely to be perceived as caring, compassionate, patient, responsible and kind people overall. And according to American Kennel Club, the dog in your dating profile picture can increase your chances of getting a match by up to 53%! So don’t be afraid to share the spotlight with your furry friend. Just be sure you still have some Single photos of yourself on your profile.

Check out dog-friendly events – From dog shows to charity events, there are more opportunities than ever to meet singles who share your love of dogs. Visit a dog park you’ve never been to, a trip to the dog beach, or even check out For some local (and possibly unusual) dog-friendly events.

Use social media to your advantage – In 2023, social media is an essential tool for connecting with people. If you’re looking for love and have a furry friend, use social media to your advantage. Post photos of you and your dog, join Facebook groups for dog lovers and use Instagram hashtags to connect with like-minded people. You never know who you might meet!

Volunteer at a local animal shelter – Volunteering at a local animal shelter not only allows you to give back to your community, but it’s also a great opportunity to meet people who share your love of dogs. You might even meet someone looking for a new furry friend to adopt.

Although there are many people out there who love dogs, you may find yourself feeling the spark with someone Who is not the greatest dog person. Heck, they might even be allergic to your furry friend. Here’s our two cents:

When your date isn’t a dog person – You want a partner who appreciates your values. If they can’t respect or understand your love for animals, you may run into other problems down the road. So if your new date absolutely despises them and doesn’t respect what’s important to you, reconsider whether this is really a good match for you in the long run.

When your date is allergic – Although a dog allergy can be an extra hoop to jump through, that doesn’t mean you should completely throw in the towel with your match. Find activities you can do outside the home while you get to know each other. If things become more serious, there are medical options that can help your partner become more comfortable around your dog. Be sure to clean often, create a dog-free zone, and try an air filter to help your partner be more comfortable in your space.

But the biggest “do” for puppy dating is to do get out there! Bring your beloved pet to the park, picnics, lunch, drive with them, get them (and yourself) some fresh air! If Charlie Brown has taught us anything (besides how not to pick up a football) it’s that dogs make the best dating wingmen around.

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