Let’s consider mental health | Concha Date

Have you ever fallen madly in love, and then found out that the person you love is struggling with mental issues? This is a hot topic around the world right now, with mental health awareness at the forefront of industry and community, especially during the COVID epidemic. So how do you approach it in the dating world?

The problem is that some mental health disorders have a huge impact on how we manage our emotions at the beginning of a relationship. For example, certain disorders can cause a person to go through different mood swings when they try to navigate the early stages of emotion perception. A history of abandonment or trust issues can cause a person to run away from a relationship, even though he or she really loves you. You will feel them pulling you towards them, and then pushing you, as they fight their emotions. This can lead to a tumultuous start to a relationship, especially if one person is unaware that mental health issues are playing a role.

I think it is important that people in general be aware of some of the more common mental problems that people suffer from. That way we can provide support right from the start, and be more understanding when things are not going as expected. Some mental problems lead to depression, leaving you feeling helpless and lonely when you try to connect with your partner. Some cause anxiety, which interferes with progress with contact. The point is, it is possible that what you see on the surface is not what is happening on the inside, and you should consider supporting before you let early problems blow up the relationship. Some people need to feel high levels of trust before they can communicate rationally. Some people may seem desperate as they struggle to stay in touch with their emotions.

If you are going through this with someone you love, be supportive, be sensitive, ask questions and ask if your love interest is okay. In some cases you will be given the opportunity to understand exactly why certain behaviors are manifested, and together you will develop the mental toolkit required to navigate emotions on the path to a happy relationship.


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