My friend keeps ditching me for her boyfriend

My girlfriend continues to abandon me for her boyfriend

So you and your boyfriend were the best. You did it all together. You went on vacations together, you went out to dinner together, you planned joint nights and you even spent the holidays together.

Then suddenly your girlfriend gets a boyfriend and she disqualifies you from doing everything with him. Suddenly the messages go down frequently, it takes her ages to respond and she has no time for you anymore. When she does meet, she brings him to the things you have planned together, making you feel like a third wheel.

When your boyfriend gets a boyfriend and you’re still single it can be hard, but it’s even harder if your girlfriend overconnects with the people she’s dating.

While it is normal for the dynamics of friendships to change slightly when one of you gets a friend, it is not normal for your friend to start lying, hiding information and abandoning plans.

It’s one thing your girlfriend wants to spend some time alone with her boyfriend, but it’s wrong if she starts to consider your feelings. Unfortunately, some girls are just like that. They disappear as soon as they meet a guy, then reappear when everything goes horribly wrong. For a while you comfort them, go out with them to the dance floor, give girls accommodation and plan trips that will help them overcome it. Then suddenly, they start behaving strangely and throw you out again because they have announced that they are back with their ex.

Not only does it suck to be single and your boyfriend rubs you in the face having a boyfriend, it also sucks to feel like you are the backup plan in case plans fall out with the boyfriend.

If you find that your company is starting to get stupid about planning plans with you, or canceling and giving up excuses, then it’s time to talk to her that it bothers you. If you feel disrespected, it’s important to talk.

What to say if your girlfriend continues to abandon you for her boyfriend

It is important to try to conduct these conversations when you are sober and also calm. Definitely do not do this after a night of drinking or when the tension increases.

Personally, tell her how you feel. Try not to be accused, instead start your sentences with “I feel”. Describe your feelings, then state the action she took to make you feel that way. For example, if you had plans to go to dinner but she said “let’s check the rain” because she has a lot of work to do, but then you learn it’s because she really wanted to go meet her boyfriend after work, then tell her how it made you to feel. Tell her that you felt disrespected because of this action.

Try to keep it on the steps and do not start to realize how much you do not like her new boyfriend, even if you really can not stand him. If she goes this route, she is likely to defend herself and side with her boyfriend even more. Focus on the actions that made you feel deprived, not her friend.

After you have told her how you feel, tell her that you understand her point of view. Tell her that you understand that she is excited about having a new friend but that it is important to maintain balance and have time for friends and other things. Suggest some solutions to Kadima companies.

For example, if she continues to lie to you when it comes to planning plans, tell her to appreciate it if she is honest. Tell her you would rather she say she has plans with her boyfriend, rather than hesitate and leave you hanging.

It is scary and inconvenient to conduct such calls but sometimes it is necessary to clear the air. Do not become hostile or precede the conversation with “We need to talk.” Aim to conduct the conversation when you are in a decent mood and speak in a calm and friendly tone. Do not treat her as your enemy and try to stick to the facts.

If your friend continues to cancel plans and does not make changes after the call, then maybe it’s time to take a step back, get away from the situation and go meet some new friends. Although it sucks that a friend can come between friendships, it is not worth trying to hold on to friendship if it constantly makes you feel exploited, or like a subsequent thought. There are many ways you can make friends, from opening up new hobbies to attending networking events.

Sometimes people need to learn that you will not always have wings waiting for them. If they choose to neglect their membership in favor of a friend, they should not be surprised if the membership fails soon.


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