She Keeps In Touch With Her Ex’s Family? Big Deal? Or Not? | Doc Love

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(Editor’s note, this letter was written before Doc’s death in August 2020 but is still relevant because Doc’s principles are timeless.)

hi doc,

Because your materials I have a great girlfriend, Jane, who just asked me to marry her. Thank you so much for teaching me how to keep my girlfriend in love.

My question is this. I was at Jane’s apartment when she was listening to Dr. Laura. A married woman called and said she wanted to go to lunch with the mother of a guy she dated for three weeks during a breakup she had with her current husband and right before their marriage. She said she only dated the guy three times. And it wasn’t a big deal because now she’s very happily married. She added that she became very close to her ex’s mother. Dr. Laura said it was a good idea to go on a lunch date and that she should invite her husband to come. The husband was reluctant and wanted nothing to do with the arrangement, which caused friction in the marriage.

It was Jane’s opinion that the husband was off base and upset about nothing. but b “the system” You emphasize “there are no exes lurking in the background!” I smell a rat because you taught me to be a love cop.

What’s up, Doc? Is Dr. Laura full of it and doling out crappy advice or is it really no big deal to keep in touch with your ex’s mom?

Biggie – who wants to know what’s really going on


Hi Biggie,

First of all, thank you for the compliment. One of the primary goals of “the system” It’s teaching guys how to keep their women in love with them for a long time. Glad to hear it works. If you obey the principles b My bookShe will be in love with you forever.

You are absolutely dead in your appreciation of this situation, but most people won’t see it. But before we take a closer look at this, I want to say something about Dr. Laura, Dr. Phil, Dr. Joy Brown, Dr. Drew Pinsky, and all the other doctors who like to claim to be experts in all areas of the human experience.

There are over 20 types of engineers: mechanical, industrial, electrical, mathematical, etc. Everyone is an expert in their field. And as the old saying goes, you just can’t be great at everything. For you psychology students, if you try to be all things to all people, you’ll end up being a jack of all trades and nobody’s master. Dr. Laura, for example, gives advice on how to raise children and how not to argue with the neighbors about their barking dog, as well as everything else in between. She gives a lot of advice in many different areas of life, but I only give advice in ONE, the most important area of ​​all If you want to succeed with women – how to keep her level of interest in the stars. I do not give advice in other areas, because I have only one strong side. My contention that this should apply to all love doctors.

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Now let’s look at the situation you brought up about the married woman who befriended the ex’s mother. What Dr. Laura didn’t see, or ask the woman, is: “If you had an argument with your fiance, why did you go out with another guy so soon after the argument?” As my cousin General Love says, “So much for Loyalty, right?” And here’s another crucial question she missed asking that married woman: “Couldn’t you have been alone for a day or two until you settled down with your fiance before you ran off with another guy?” Or how about this: “How did you meet this guy’s mom And you got so close to her in just three dates?”

No, Dr. Laura missed everything important here. She also should have told the nice married woman, “After you have lunch with your ex’s mom, your ex is going to ask her questions like, ‘Do you think she’s happily married?’ Can I join your next meeting?'” etc. In other words, this guy is still lurking in the background, waiting for his moment to pounce. But Dr. Laura hasn’t thought of that either, has she?

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The poor, unfortunate husband intuitively knew that the conversation his wife shared with her ex’s mother would be overheard by his wife’s ex-son. And the ex happens to be the guy who wanted the married woman. He may not have put it in so many words, but it was Dr. Laura’s job to drive home this very important point. Perhaps she didn’t want to. As my fast cousin Eddie Love of East Los Angeles says, “One thing you can To say about women is that they stick together!”

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Now that husband needs to ask his wife, “If I hit a tree and died and your ex asked for a date, would you go out with him?” I would love to be a fly on the wall for this conversation!

This woman thinks her husband is jealous and possessive. But in my opinion she is anti-faithful. Even if she thinks her husband is wrong and too messed up in his thinking, isn’t her marriage more important than having lunch with someone her husband would rather she not see? But apparently she prefers to make her husband uncomfortable and be right instead of being loved. Dr. Laura missed that part, too. The truth is, she missed everything, Biggie. As Dr. Freud once said, “Would you ask this woman for advice?”

Remember, guys: Loyalty is our number.


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