She Wants Space Now That She’s Free? | Doc Love

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(Editor’s note, this letter was written before Doc’s death in August 2020 but is still relevant because Doc’s principles are timeless.)

hi doc,

I am a new student who wished he had your book 15 or 20 years ago as it really opened my eyes to the key to successful dating and it would have kept me from making the same old mistakes over and over again. I’m now 35 and I hope it’s not too late to change the way I go about things because so far my dating experiences haven’t exactly been what you’d call successful.

Now here is my problem. I got closer to Sabrina, with whom I work. Then she asked for some space while she sorted things out at home with her boyfriend, with whom she lives. I understood that this meant that her level of interest in me had dropped and that she was saying this to prevent my feelings from being hurt. I backed off and was polite to her when I saw her at work and made small talk when necessary, but I tried not to let my high level of interest show.

Last week Sabrina moved house and now went home to stay with her mother. I’ve been avoiding her at work because I don’t want to be in her face while she’s going through a very stressful time. Is this the right thing to do? The last thing I want is to put any kind of pressure on Sabrina or make her feel awkward in any way. I must emphasize that she did not leave because of our relationship, because there is none. She left because she was not satisfied, simple as that.

I guess what I’d like to know, Doc, is how would you play things and what should I do in the coming days and weeks? Should I just forget about Sabrina even though I really like her or should I continue to give her the space she wanted and then ask for a date in the future? If so, how long should I wait before I ask her?

One last thing. I bought Sabrina a book that she is interested in. Should I give it to her? If so, when? I just wanted to do something nice for her to cheer her up a bit.

Thank you so much, Doc, for all your time and help.

Tyson – who hopes he hasn’t already screwed it up

Have you checked out Doc’s latest free video: 3 ways to make her go crazy for you (Remember, the next video comes out on 6/4/2023 – 5 sure signs of interest from her)

Hi Tyson,

When you say you’ve made mistakes over and over again, you’re really lying. What a guy doesn’t understand is that when he goes out with Sally, then Lynn and then Mary, and they all dump him; They throw it away for some reason of the same reason. If he’s a macho boy, they dump him because he’s trying to control. And if he’s a wimp, they get rid of him because they’re tired of giving the guy orders. But the common denominator is the decreasing interest rate.

But rest assured, Tyson, as long as you’re breathing and you love women, “the system” will help you a lot.

You said you got close to Sabrina. Did you try to get close to her, or – and this is the much more important question – did she try to get close to you? Because what we need to talk about here isn’t your level of interest – it’s her level of interest. Her level of interest is the only thing that matters – not yours.

You need the system/dating dictionary to really win with women! Get it here for 10% off (Instant downloads of both the written version and the audio version!)

on the subject of space. As my quick cousin Eddie Love says, “Man, any time a woman uses the word ‘space,’ you’re in deep trouble.” Because when she pulls out that horrible word, it means her interest level in you drops into the 40s or 50s (most likely the 40s).

Sabrina’s interest level may have dropped, but it’s more likely that she was never there in the first place. As Dr. Freud once said, “Maybe you just projected your level of interest on her like most men do.”

God, Tyson, you couldn’t really read My book And believe that this girl “protects your feelings”, can you? Where in the world did you get this idea? As my cousin Doctor Love says, “Son, you gotta fire Jack Daniels!” Again – women only care about their interest level. If they don’t have a high level of interest, they could care less about you. It’s the nature of the beast. As the reality factor says, a low interest level means she doesn’t care about your feelings.

Of course you cannot display your very high level of interest in your work. In fact, you should have let this girl come to you all the time, not the other way around.

Do you think Sabrina is going through a stressful time? Dude, her ex-boyfriend is the one freaking out – he just got dumped! Damn, Sabrina is happy! She is excited! She is free to do whatever she wants. She’s already looking for the next turkey, don’t you understand?

So don’t back down from her. If I were you, I’d just go ahead and ask her out now. Since she lives with her mom now, you can just get it over with. As my fast cousin Eddie Love says, “When she rejects you, you can throw away the number and forget the whole thing once and for all.”

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Now let me explain something to you. You can only put pressure on women with a low interest level. For you psychology students, you can’t put pressure on a girl with a high level of interest, because she already digs you a lot. The only reason Sabrina will feel awkward is because she already told you once that she needs her space and you want to bully her. Until she knocks on your door, you should have nothing to do with her. Meanwhile, make all the other girls in the office laugh and call it quits.

Buddy, you don’t have a relationship with this girl. She had a low level of interest in this other guy and wanted her space. She gained her space by separating from him. And she told you she wants her space and that’s why you think you’re going to pressure her. Psychics 101.

Once you found out Sabrina was living with a guy, you had to back off until she left. But you pushed her away while she was breaking free. A big mistake.

I wouldn’t ask this babe on a date in the distant future because you already asked her once and she said no. If she is interested in you she will contact you. The death blow was her use of that awful word – “space”.

How long should you wait before asking her out? As my cousin General Love would say, “Until Armageddon!”

Now why would you want to give a gift to a girl you’re not dating? Unless you see her, you give her nothing. Second, you don’t look for a gift until she’s in love with you. You’re so far ahead of yourself it’s not even funny. Are you sure you are reading? My book?

Tyson, let’s be real. You don’t really want to encourage Sabrina. You want to beat your interest level like most guys do. You could care less about showing sympathy for Sabrina. Why don’t you give the book to someone else in the office who doesn’t care about you, or someone you don’t care about? Think about it.

Remember, guys: women help you when they like you.


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